When my kids were little, I remember a particular day when they had some friends over and they decided to play “castle”. Everyone had a role to play in their make-believe kingdom.
My daughter pitched a fit because her brother (the King) deemed her a mere “Villager”. “But I’m a PRINCESS!!,” she cried in despair. “I don’t want to be a dumb ‘ol Villager, I’m a PRINCESS!” After some negotiation and a few of his sister’s tears, Cole finally relented and let her be a Princess. “BUT,” he said, “you’re from another kingdom, and you are just visiting my kingdom.” That seemed like an okay compromise by her.
He then came into the kitchen and announced that I was The Cook. Harrumph. I wanted to be a princess too.
All these years later, I still do.
I might be in the role of “The Cook” in many ways, but our Father (the real King) sees me as a Princess. Don’t believe me? Check out 1 John 3:1—“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
I am a Daughter of the King. And when your life has been placed in Jesus Christ’s hands, so are you. So, as you go out and do your work as a mere Villager, Cook, or any other less-than-glamorous role today, remember that you really are a Princess in the eyes of the King.
Besides, we are just visiting this place for a while before we arrive in the real Kingdom.